Project Details


Client Auckland Zoo
Sector Tourism
Discipline Ethnographic Research
Experience Design
Design Collaborators Hanson Roberts
ThoughtFull Design
Status Completed 2021

Discover fascinating facts about Orangutans, such as their ability to build beds and remember over 400 types of food locations! These intriguing behaviours are just a glimpse of what visitors can experience along the Southeast Asia Track at Auckland Zoo.

As the largest project outlined in Auckland Zoo’s development plan, the 2-hectare Southeast Asia area, nestled at the heart of the zoo, introduces new species alongside a restaurant and associated facilities, marking a significant milestone for the institution.

The sensory journey, engaging in a variety of interpretive activities is designed around the unique traits of the region’s species. Each activity aims to foster empathy through shared experiences, allowing visitors to uncover the ‘super skills’ of these remarkable creatures.

Through collaborative workshops with zoo experts, valuable insights were gathered and translated into engaging activities. These concepts were then refined through visitor testing and integration with the architectural landscape, thanks to close collaboration with Hanson Roberts architects.

Auckland Zoo

South East Asia
Track Experience
